Knowledge Center next icon Can ticket fees be paid out early (Ticketing)?
Dec 14, 2022
1 minute read

Can ticket fees be paid out early (Ticketing)?

We use a standard payout schema: .When do I get paid (Ticketing)?

When you have a signed contract and are not an online client and it is the case that you have previously sold tickets via CM Tickets, it is possible to request to get periodic payouts. The ticket fees will then usually be paid out on a monthly or weekly basis instead after the event.

When you are considered as an online client and do not have a signed contract, it is not possible to change the payout period and it will remain after event.


In the Ticketing Dashboard you can find the clearing over a specific period of time or over the complete period. This article gives a step-by-step explanation on how to check the clearing.

1. Open the Analytics tab

2. Click on a predefined date or use the custom calendar daterange at the top of the page

3. Check the amount in the box stating Clearing

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