Knowledge Center next icon How can I make a custom Ticketshop?
Dec 13, 2022
1 minute read

How can I make a custom Ticketshop?


  • Ticketing


When entering the ticketing dashboard you go to the left menu and click on shop. By clicking on "+ New" you can create a new url for your ticket shop. Here you can choose for ticket types and shop colors. These are the menus you need to use for customizing your ticket shop.

You can add steps at ticket types and here you can choose your display type. This is the way how your ticket types will be organized within your ticket shop.


If you choose the shop colors menu you can choose different colors from your choice, for example your company color codes. In the right menu you can change every color and see in the preview what is good for your ticket shop. You can also add a picture as banner, we advise you to create a banner that matches the shop colors. By saving everything you have made your custom ticket shop.

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