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Sep 07, 2022
2 minutes read

How to Integrate Ticket Shop Using an Iframe


Ticket shop integration is the easy way to integrate the ticket shop on your own website, using an Iframe. By doing this, you don’t have to link to an external ticket shop web page. This results in users staying on your website instead of switching to a different one.


  • Ticketing


How do I use ticket shop integration?

You want the customer journey to be as easy as possible. By integrating the ticket shop on your own website, you can put additional information on the web page so you don’t have to put everything into the event description in the ticket shop. Customers stay on the same page during the entire customer journey.

When the event is created, there will be a link available in the 'Events -> Event Name -> Shops' tab. This shop link will be used in the Iframe to integrate in the web page.



To integrate the ticket shop on your website, you have to insert a bit of code into your HTML-code.

<iframe src="SHOPLINK URL" border="0" frameborder="0" seamless="seamless" style="width: 100%; min-height: 950px; overflow-y:auto;"></iframe

Be sure to put the shop link URL in the place where it says SHOPLINK URL. It’s possible to change the size of the Iframe by changing the width and the min-height.

Automatic resizing of the iframe
If you would like the size of the calendar shop to be automatically resized to the optimal size in the frame, you can add the following code to your web page instead of the code above

<iframe id="cm-ticketshop" src="SHOP URL" frameborder="0" width="100%"></iframe> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><script>iFrameResize({log:false }, '#cm-ticketshop');</script>

The code of the Iframe can be found here.

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