Knowledge Center next icon What are the measurements of the Ticketing - custom shop?
Dec 13, 2022
1 minute read

What are the measurements of the Ticketing - custom shop?


Banner > 640px x 200px.
max 1MB. PNG/jpeg/jpg


Logo > 200px x 200px.
max 1MB. PNG/jpeg/jpg

Shop Header

1300px x 320px.
max 1MB. PNG/jpeg/jpg

Ticket Type shop image

320px x 200px.
max 1MB. PNG/jpeg/jpg

PDF QR Ticket (per ticket type)

1130px x 1240px.
max 1MB. PNG/jpeg/jpg

Mobile QR Ticket (per event)

  • Banner > max. 320px x 75px
  • Logo > max. 320px x 75px
  • Background > min. 1400px width

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