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Messaging Analytics

Real-Time Messaging Analytics That Matter

Get detailed insights, data and reports about your SMS campaigns and track the success of every text message you send.

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Game-Changing Insights for Smarter SMS Campaigns

Measure With Real-Time Reports and Data

Quality Controls

When sending One Time Passwords, it's important for the password to arrive quickly. Thanks to our quality checks, you will know if one of them doesn’t reach its recipients and why.

Telephone Numbers Up-to-Date

How up-to-date is the phone number database for sending Mobile Marketing messages? With our Conversion API, you will know when a message reaches its target and react accordingly.

Delivery Time and Delivery Rate

Something urgent or exciting just happened? Therefore, you have sent an alert or a notification to all who need to know. Analytics will enable you to find out if the information delivered.

Detailed Insights With Messaging Analytics

Messaging Analytics offers aggregated and detailed insights into SMS communications and real-time trends, so you can adapt your mobile strategy directly. It provides views into the status and performance of your electronic communications.

Messaging Analytics saves time, eliminates unnecessary processes and simplifies procedures and automatisation.

Discover everything you can do with Messaging Analytics!

  1. Instantly recognise possible bottlenecks in SMS traffic

  2. Easily gain insight into trends, delivery rates and speed

  3. Save time and eliminate unnecessary processes

Messaging Analytics Is Included in Our SMS Gateway API

Whenever sending SMS batches, you can use all added features and will only be charged the standard SMS pricing. The app is available and pre-installed in your platform account. Messaging Analytics can be found under ‘My Apps’ in the platform.

Discover Our SMS Gateway

Number of Involved Reports

Make insights into the number of involved reports over various periods of time (past 52 weeks, 30 days, 7 days and 6 hours). Within these views, breakdowns by country and operator can be seen

Delivery Rate

Shows both the delivery rate for successfully delivered messages and a view in absolute numbers. At the user level, it additionally shows the most important reasons why message delivery fails (*error mapping*). With this information, both routing and the telephone number database can be improved.

Delivery Speed

Delivery speed gives the average time in seconds required for the message to be received by the end user's mobile device. This is essential for time-sensitive messages and One Time Password codes with short expiration times.

Conversion Rate

Search, find and optimize your mobile transactions by implementing the Conversion API. With it, you can achieve the best total overview of your campaigns' success and measure ongoing messaging traffic.

Get Started With Our Business Messaging Platform

Benefit from our Business Messaging API with all the tools and features to enrich your message. Make your customers happy, send them delivery notifications, booking confirmations, appointment reminders, and more, at the moment it matters. Discover all the possibilities.

Discover Our SMS Gateway
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