Release notes next icon Verification
Feb 22, 2024
2 minutes read


2024 March | Verification solutions

  • Minor updates to the OTP documentation
  • Minor updates to the iDIN implementation guide
  • Minor ID Scan improvements including an updated validity check on personal numbers

2023 September | OTP API v2

We are thrilled to announce the release of our brand-new OTP API v2. In addition to the channels released earlier, it is now possible to use a predefined channel setup, offering a range of delivery options and automatically selecting the channel that works best for your users and platform out-of-the-box. Whether you're a small business or a large corporation, our OTP delivery service is cost-effective and easy to implement. With reliable delivery and robust security, our solution helps you provide a more secure and convenient authentication experience for your users. You take care of your security, and we'll take care of the OTP delivery. Our OTP API supports the following channels:

  • SMS
  • Email
  • WhatsApp
  • Push
  • Voice


For our iDIN service, we have added a response message indicating when the data is expired (> 30 seconds) while a successful response is returned but no data is included.

2023 June | ID SCAN

To ensure compliance with ETSI TS 119 461, we meticulously maintain records of the identity proofing process for the requisite retention period stipulated by the identity proofing context. As a result, we not only furnish a basic audit report of the ID Scan but also provide an exhaustive audit report that is digitally signed. Furthermore:

  • Enhanced our face liveness component to optimize performance.
  • Segregated the FullAuth and FullProcess ID Scan functionalities, facilitating clear differentiation between these two distinct document scan tasks.
  • Expanded language support to include Dutch, English, and French.
  • Enhanced scanning capabilities specifically tailored for Dutch passports.

2023 March | ID SCAN

We are thrilled to announce the release of our brand-new ID SCAN product.

With ID Scan, you can verify your customer's identity by allowing them to scan their ID using a mobile device, such as passports or driver's licenses. An advanced OCR engine extracts data from their documents and verifies the customer as a living human being through their device's camera. Use cases supported by this service range from basic identity verification to customer onboarding, age verification, and more.

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