Release notes next icon Analytics Portal
Feb 16, 2024
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Analytics Portal

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17-06-2024 | Mobile Service Cloud

Improvement | List picker messages

This release introduces list Picker messages to the analytics. Both Listpicker questions by the bot and the value chosen by the end customer are now included in the mathematical calculations of the metrics.

07-06-2024 | Mobile Service Cloud

Bug fix | Tags in Categorized Tagging Dashboard

The tag category labels were shown instead of the tag labels when selecting or drilling down to the tag level. This issue has been resolved.

01-06-2024 | Mobile Service Cloud

Feature release | Added Activity Slicer

The MSC analytics is enriched with inbound and outbound segmentation which indicates from which direction the conversation was started. With the segmentation, both types of conversations can be analyzed separately.

Feature release | Timeframe FRT & SLA Parameter

With the timeframe for FRT and SLA parameter, the duration of these speed-related KPIs can be switched between 'Total time' and 'Within service hours'. This functionality enables the users to analyze the speed performance from a customer perspective (total time) and a contact center perspective (service hours).

Improvement | Glossary

The documentation for the following definitions has been expanded or added to the glossary: 'Period', 'Conversations' 'Archived with reaction', and 'Customers-Interacted'.

Improvement | Volumes

Metrics that have no volume (e.g. within a selected period) were earlier shown with an empty notation. In this update, the empty volumes are shown with a '0' value for clarification.

01-05-2024 | Mobile Service Cloud

Feature release | Added Phone Dashboard to MSC Analytics

The MSC analytics is enriched with insights showing the performance of the Native Voice channel. With the introduction of the Phone dashboard, users are enabled to observe and analyze how their department performed in terms of volume, speed, and availability.

Feature release | Export data

With the introduction of the export data feature, users are now able to export the data of visuals in CSV and Excel format. For a brief guide on how to use this feature, see the description below:

Feature release | Added time notation selection to the evolution visuals.

To enable users to see the evolution of metrics on the desired time notation, the time granularity parameter has been introduced. The time notation can be configured to the levels: Year, Quarter, Month, Week, and Day.

Feature release | Added zoom slider to the evolution visuals.

This feature gives users an easy way to analyse a smaller range of periods without applying filters. A long period of selection can make charts difficult to read. By zooming, the users can narrow the views to the desired data points.

Feature release | Added Conversations With Reply metric to the Categorized Tagging dashboard

After successfully introducing the Conversations With Reply (CWR) metric to the Executive Summary and Main Stats Dashboard, users can now analyze how many conversations actually had a reply, per tag category and tag. This metric can be found in the Categorised Tagging Dashboard.

Improvement | Removed tooltips for filters, parameters, and navigation buttons

The tooltips that pop up when hovering over a filter, parameter, or navigation button are disabled. There is no added value in showing these filters. In addition, the tooltips made the dashboard more cluttered. With disabling the tooltips, the dashboards are more organized.

Improvement | Changed display units of the metric Conversations With Reply in Executive Summary Dashboard

The number of Conversations With Reply (CWR) was shown in units of thousands. Units of thousands make it challenging to let users analyze on a detailed level. With this update, users can see and compare the number of CWR on a detail level.

Improvement | Enriched the glossary with the description of Conversation Types

The explanation of the concept of Conversation Types in the MSC Analytics was underserved. Conversation Types are a valuable dimension in how insights can be presented since they can show insights into conversations grouped by similar behavior and expectations. The concept of Conversation Types can be found in the glossary.

01-04-2024 | Analytics Portal

Feature release | Bookmarking filter combinations

To make it easier for users to revisit their most valued dashboard filtersets, we have now introduced Bookmarks. With bookmarks, users can revisit their favourite dashboard filters without having to manually reset a number of filters every time they want to view a recurring set of dashboard filters. The feature saves bookmarks on an organisational level, sharing all bookmarks across users.

For a brief guide on how to use this feature, see the description below:

16-02-2024 | Mobile Service Cloud

Improvement | Look and feel updates

Various look and feel improvements have been implemented to ensure optimal customer experience.

Look and feel.png

  • The mobile service cloud logo was updated across all dashboards. .
  • The naming of dashboards in the navigation bar are now simplified by removing the 'Agent Inbox' from the titles to improve readability.
  • The glossary page was moved to the bottom of the navigation list to ensure that the executive summary dashboard is the first dashboard users are greeted with.
  • Filter buttons have been added on all dashboards to facilitate a uniform navigation experience across the platform.
  • Spacing has been added between rows on the main stats dashboard in order to improve its readability.
  • Across all dashboards, Radix points (comma or dot based on location) have been added to large numbers to improve readability.

Improvement | Tags sub-divison of categories

When searching for, and filtering on tag categories, it is now possible to directly view which tags fall within categories by folding them open. This improves makes sure that users don't have to navigate back and forth between category and tags filters in order to gain insights into their tag statistics.

01-01-2024 | Analytics Portal

Feature release | Added Mobile Service Cloud Dashboards

In this release, various revamped Mobile Service Cloud dashboards have been added to the analytics portal. The added dashboards include:

  • Executive summary dashboard

The executive summary dashboard provides an overview of various key performance indicators, and allows the user to compare these indicators for any webstores month over month. By applying filters, additional filters and sub-selections can be applied to provide required insights.

  • Workload dashboard

The workload dashboard provides insight into the incoming and outgoing workloads. This is done trough key metrics, a heat map and evolution. By applying filters, additional filters and sub-selections can be applied to provide required insights.

  • Main stats dashboard

The Main stats dashboard provides insight into various conversational statistics that follow from agent-customer interactions. This is done trough a main table in which all insights are made available. By applying filters, additional filters and sub-selections can be applied to provide required insights.

  • Main stats evolution

The Main stats evolution dashboard provides insight into the main stats over time. This is done trough a line diagram and table which provide insights into the datapoints over time. By applying filters, additional filters and sub-selections can be applied to provide required insights.

  • Agent performance

The Agent performance dashboard provides insight into the performance of agents. This is done trough a main table in which all main KPI's for agents are provided. By applying filters, additional filters and sub-selections can be applied to provide required insights.

  • Categorised tagging

The categorised dashboard provides insight into the tagging of conversations. This is done trough a main table, as well as evolution in which insights into conversations with particular tags are provided. By applying filters, additional filters and sub-selections can be applied to provide required insights.

  • Glossary

A glossary is added to clarify and explain the terms and abbreviations used in the dashboards. Besides this, it provides the reader with insights into the underlaying definitions and thus calculations of the metrics within the dashboards.

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