Connect & Engage - Service Level Agreement Service Level Agreement

Updated: version July 2024

1. Definitions

• “Incident” means (i) any single event, or (ii) any series of related events, that result in a product or Service becomuning unavailable or experiencing a significant degradation in functionality, affecting Clients' ability to use it.

• “Business Hours” means Monday to Friday from 8.30 a.m. – 17.00 p.m. Central European (Summer) Time, excluding general Dutch holidays.

• “Business day” means eight consecutive Business Hours.

• “Network operations centre” means a 24/7/365 staffed team that monitor the products.

• “Beta” or “Early Access” refers to a product that is still in the development phase and may not yet be fully operational or stable. The status of the product as "Beta" or "Early Access" will be noted on the Order Form or otherwise communicated to the Client.

2. Availability Commitment commits to use all commercially reasonable efforts to achieve an availability as stated below. Exclusions: (a) third party incidents and errors, (b) Client self-created issues (c) force majeure, (d) scheduled or emergency maintenance, or (e) Beta or Early Access releases.

Product Category Availability commitment
Business Messaging 99,99%
Voice 99,99%
Service Cloud 99,90%
Marketing Cloud 99,90%
Conversational AI Cloud 99,90%

3. Measurement

Tracking of performance against the SLA shall be undertaken by using its internal measuring tools and processes on a quarterly basis. defines "availability" as (total minutes in a quarter - excluded duration - unavailability duration) / (total minutes in a quarter - excluded duration ) x 100%. For Voice/SIP expects Clients to configure a back-up trunk in their PBX set-up. Therefore, Voice/SIP will be considered available when at least one of the measured trunks is available.

4. Access to Support

All Clients have access to the support page on our website, which includes guides, e-learnings, and supporting materials for using products. Here you can find access to the Knowledge Center, Developers Portal and Status Page. If you want to contact support, you can request information from the chatbot on or visit our dedicated support page at has a dedicated team of support representatives to assist the Client with questions and issues regarding services. All Clients have access to Business Hours chat support via the chat bubble/chatbot on the platform. For security reasons, only authorized users on the Clients account can request support. Customer support does not assist with code development or debugging of Client code.

5. Response Times Client support strives to respond within one business day. During Business Hours, Clients are entitled to support with the following response times.

Priority Impact Response Time Example
High Business Crtitical 1 hour Questions or issues impacts your business to the extent that it is completely disrupted. This is a production application and there is no work around available.
Normal General Inquiry 8 hours Other

Clients are allowed to classify requests with a priority and have a guaranteed response within that time period. The services team is allowed to reclassify a specific issue if we deem the current priority to be incorrect.

6. Incidents distinguishes between different incident priorities based on the scope and impact of the incident. Range from P1 (critical and widespread) to P5 (minor and contained).

Priority Name Description
P1 Critical Multiple products where the majority of the users are not able to use the product
P2 Major Majority of the users of a product are not able to use that product
P3 Significant Breaking issue within a product, but majority of the users are able to continue using it
P4 Limited A small incident that impacts use of the product but doesn’t bring it to a halt.
P5 Minor A minor bug or issue that does not impact the product.

Clients can find any incident classified P3 or higher with products on our Status page Clients can subscribe to notifications and receive email alerts and updates regarding incidents and maintenance. strives to resolve P1 – P3 incidents as soon as possible and our Network operation centre will coordinate an incident response.

Priority Escalation Update
P1 Immediately Every 15 minutes
P2 Immediately Every 30 minutes
P3 Business Hours Every 120 minutes
P4 Planned No
P5 Planned No

7. Maintenance will use reasonable efforts to perform maintenance with a higher risk profile outside Business Hours and will strive to maintain service availability during these periods. strives to inform Clients at least two weeks in advance of scheduled maintenance.

In case of emergency maintenance, will use reasonable efforts to provide notice at least 24 hours in advance, though in urgent situations, notice may be provided as soon as practicable.

All related maintenance windows will be announced via Clients can subscribe to email notifications for specific services.

8. Updates reserves the right to update this SLA as necessary. These updates will be published on