Jul 17, 2024
1 minute read

Help! I can't get my ticket personalised

Not getting your personalisation completed? Then check that the following steps have been completed correctly;

- You can only use each email address and phone number once per order, so they must be unique.
- Do you have several tickets in 1 order? Then it is important that you save each ticket separately. There is a save button under each personalisation (bottom right).

- Are all tickets correctly personalised and saved? Click on finalize personalisation at the very bottom of the page.

- Only the ticket buyer will receive the tickets in his/her email after personalisation. Is this not the case? Then check your junk mail as well. Please note that personalised ticketholders will not receive a message. Has your ticket been personalised by someone else? Contact that person and ask him/her to send you your ticket.

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