Trust Center


Read more about certifications, assurance, and corporate policies like code of conduct, whistle-blower, and fraud management.

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Providing Assurance

In our aim to outperform our clients’ wishes, the following compliance certifications ensure a constant focus on improving the quality of products and services, the effectiveness of processes, and protecting data. All this while also keeping an eye on the environment and our social impact.

iso certified

ISO Certifications is ISO 27001, 27017, 27018, 9001, 14001, and 20000 certified for their services delivered to customers.

Refer to the home page of the Trust Center for the certificates.

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Payment Certifications

As a collecting payment service provider based in the Netherlands, we also comply with all safety rules and technologies for a secure online payment system. These rules were established by European financial institutions and De Nederlandsche Bank.

  1. PCI DSS Compliancy (Payment Card Industry Standard)

  2. Acceptant Payment Service Provider

  3. Collecting Payment Service Provider

To Payment Certifications

Corporate Policies

Conducting Business in Compliance.

Code of Conduct

Purpose of the Code of Conduct is to provide guidance to our employees to ensure they conduct their work with integrity, in the interests of and taking into account our core values.

Code of Conduct

Speak-Up Policy

Intended to encourage everyone to speak-up about any suspected misconduct or irregularity.

Speak-Up Policy

Get the Answers You Need!

We at empower organizations worldwide instantly to connect to their customers through state-of-the-art customer experience services. Our Trust Center connects you to the latest information on the security, compliance, privacy, legal, risk management and ESG of our products and services.

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