Apple Messages for Business

Engage customers with Apple Messages for Business

Integrate Apple Messages for Business into your communication strategy and transform conversations into loyal customers.

apple-messages-for-business medium hero

Excel in customer service and commerce

Leverage Apple Messages for Business to deliver tailored updates and exclusive offers to your audience while offering a seamless in-channel shopping experience to drive revenue growth.

Unlock success with Apple Messages for Business

Interact with Apple users

Connect up to 1.8 billion active users of Apple devices with iOS 11.3. or higher, and handle chats via Apple Messages for Business.

Enrich customer care

Enable easy and secure customer contact to help, schedule appointments, and complete purchases.

Rich conversations

Offer a whole new way to talk to your customers in real time and have relevant and rich conversations.

Apple messages

Direct connection to your audience on Apple devices

Apple Messages for Business is a powerful channel that adds exceptional value for businesses, enabling direct connections with customers on iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch.

Customers initiate conversations with your business through various touchpoints, including web, in-app, social media, Apple Maps, iOS Search, or by tapping any phone number you choose.

Speak to an expert

Why choose for Apple Messages for Business

  1. Fast implementation and migration
  2. Integrate via API or software
  3. Premium customer support
  4. GDPR-compliant & secure

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