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Feb 26, 2024
7 minutes read

10 ways to optimise the customer experience with WhatsApp Business

WhatsApp dominates the messaging landscape in the United Kingdom, securing its position as the top messaging channel. According to Statista, WhatsApp stood out as the most used messaging channel in the UK in 2023.

Camilla Holroyd
Camilla Holroyd,
Marketing Campaign Manager

In the third quarter of 2023, the mobile messaging giant recorded approximately 1.86 million downloads from UK users. In contrast, Telegram garnered about 1.56 million app downloads during the same period, while Signal reported around 240 thousand app downloads from UK users. Over the period from 2020 to the close of 2023, WhatsApp consistently outpaced its competitors, Telegram and Signal, in terms of app downloads.

Additionally, Statista's projections indicate that the user base of WhatsApp in the United Kingdom is expected to expand significantly, reaching approximately 38.35 million users by 2025.

With that, it is unsurprising that WhatsApp Business, via the WhatsApp Business Platform, is becoming an increasingly popular channel for businesses to speak to their customers and vice versa.

In this blog, we’ll explore 10 key use cases your business can use WhatsApp Business to elevate the customer experience, whether across marketing, sales, customer service or security, and make every conversation count.

But first, it is important to note that all communications via WhatsApp can only be shared with opted-in customers. This means customers need to give prior consent before being contacted on WhatsApp.

WhatsApp Business use cases


WhatsApp newsletters’ rich media features enable you to share visual, tailored updates and announcements directly with your customers, whether company news and product updates to upcoming sales. Plus, in comparison to the transitional email newsletter, WhatsApp newsletters remove the ‘spam’ folder meaning your message will not be lost. However, do not think this means there’s no quality control, WhatsApp has specific guidelines when it comes to marketing messages.

uk-whatsapp-newsletters-and-announcementsNew product alerts

WhatsApp Business’ Product Messages feature allows you to send alerts to customers featuring relevant products. This feature is particularly powerful when launching new products that you want your customers to know about. Perhaps a new update has been made to an ongoing service, share a WhatsApp message with existing customers to know more, or maybe you’re launching a new clothing range, send a message to customers who have bought similar products before.

uk-whatsapp-new-product-alertsDeals and promotions

WhatsApp messages enable your business to share deals and promotions with customers before key sales periods or annual promotions such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday. With WhatsApp Carousels, businesses can highlight products in customisable cards using eye-catching visuals and convenient links. These promotions can be personalised to the customer, for example, discounts on their most frequently bought products or even specific discounts for loyal customers.

uk-whatsapp-deals-and-promotionsAbandoned cart reminders

Similar to product alerts, deals and promotions, WhatsApp messages can be used to remind customers of abandoned carts, or even let them know when a particular product is back in stock. 70% of people will check a new WhatsApp message within five minutes of receiving one, allowing you to re-engage customers at the point of sale before the product is long forgotten.

uk-whatsapp-abandoned-cart-remindersAssisted sales

WhatsApp doesn’t need to be simply a one-way conversation from a brand to a customer, it can also open the door for customers to reach out with questions pre-sales. For example, before clicking the all-important ‘purchase’ button the customer may want to know one more thing about the product. Via WhatsApp, customers can reach out with their queries by simply having a ‘click-to’ the channel button on the website and either receive an accurate, automated response via a WhatsApp chatbot or speak to a live agent.

Another type of assisted sales is allowing customers to purchase items directly in the chat. Our customer KFC did exactly that, allowing customers to place their orders via WhatsApp and collect their food in-store.

uk-whatsapp-assisted-salesTracking and order updates

WhatsApp messages have an astounding open rate of over 98%. This makes WhatsApp an ideal channel for sharing tracking and order updates with customers. It provides the customer with instant confirmation and removes the hassle of customers ‘losing’ the confirmation in endless emails. Plus, by adding a tracking link in the message, customers can continuously track orders.

uk-whatsapp-tracking-order-updatesFAQ and service automation

WhatsApp chatbots offer customers quick, accurate responses to customer service queries no matter the time of day or night, and even while the customer is on the go. Whether a Where’s My Order (WISMO) request, automating returns, store opening times or information about a new service, chatbots can respond effectively. Enabling customers to continue with their day without waiting for a response.

uk-whatsapp-faq-and-service-automationCustomer support

WhatsApp has grown over 60% year-on-year as a customer support channel and 57% of users regularly communicate with a brand on WhatsApp, making it a key channel to have as part of your customer service offering. The channel streamlines customer interactions with features like Quick Replies, so customers can easily select a response.

Our customer Radius uses WhatsApp to stay connected with its mobile customer base, meaning customer service agents can easily communicate and “be one click away when needed”.

uk-whatsapp-customer-serviceCustomer feedback

WhatsApp Business’ Quick Replies feature enables your business to send out short, sharp questions that the customer can respond to quickly without having to answer any emails or click on any links to external websites. For example, to give feedback on a recently purchased product or a recent interaction with a customer service agent.

uk-whatsapp-customer-feedbackTwo-factor authentication (2FA)

WhatsApp messages are end-to-end encrypted, meaning that only the two end users can see the message content. This makes WhatsApp one of the most secure and safe channels to share One Time Passwords or verification codes with customers. For example, when a new customer to setting up an account you need to confirm the mobile number, or when a customer needs to reset their password, you need to confirm their identity.

As we’ve seen WhatsApp has many use cases and features for your business, whether in marketing, sales, customer service or security, or even across the whole customer journey. And not only that, but WhatsApp also has the usage and popularity to make implementation worthwhile.

uk-whatsapp-two-factor-authentificationUse as your WhatsApp Business Provider

Are you interested in implementing WhatsApp Business for your business? Get in touch today and speak to, a WhatsApp Business Solution Provider, about setting up your WhatsApp Business Platform account or connecting to WhatsApp via our Business Messaging API.

Discuss the possibilities of WhatsApp for your business with

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Camilla Holroyd
Camilla Holroyd,
Marketing Campaign Manager
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As Marketing Campaign Manager for the UK and Ireland, Camilla is responsible for building campaigns for's Engagement and Connectivity platforms. She is passionate about promoting how technology improves CX and believes it exists to enhance our lives and make us more connected.

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