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Oct 16, 2023
4 minutes read

Enhance your Black Friday SMS marketing with Pages

In recent years, the integration of SMS has played a pivotal role in transforming the Black Friday shopping experience. Retailers and consumers alike have embraced SMS as a powerful tool for communicating promotions, exclusive offers, and time-sensitive alerts.

Camilla Holroyd
Camilla Holroyd,
Marketing Campaign Manager

Yet, with increased competition, how can businesses cut through the noise and stand out with SMS this Black Friday? In this article, we’ll explore how mobile landing pages can enhance SMS marketing and increase engagement and conversion — making sales even more convenient and exciting for businesses and consumers.

Why use SMS this Black Friday?

SMS and Black Friday may seem outdated: Modern messaging platforms like WhatsApp and Instagram appear to have overtaken SMS in popularity. Retailers saw a slight dip in UK sales last year compared to the lockdown peaks, dropping from £8.9bn to £8.71bn. However, according to Shopify, in 2022, a staggering 73% of Black Friday sales occurred via mobile.

Moreover, 75% of Gen Z shoppers intended to take advantage of Black Friday sales in 2022, and 49% of Gen Z now engage more with SMS than two years ago. Similarly, over a third of consumers aged 25 to 53 said they actively engage with SMS messages they receive from brands. Those numbers tell you that SMS is an essential channel to communicate with customers, even for the younger generations, who increasingly want to hear from retailers via the channel.

Consumers today, Gen Z shoppers in particular, use media-rich, visual messaging channels, such as WhatsApp, that enhance the shopping experience. These visual elements are now expected. So, how can brands create similar experiences and match these visual effects via SMS? Thankfully, it’s never been easier to deliver rich multimedia experiences to your database of current and potential customers via mobile landing pages.

Pages, part of Mobile Marketing Cloud via, is a powerful tool to help you deliver real value from your marketing campaigns. Pages allows you to create feature-rich, content-led mobile landing pages designed to engage and encourage customers to take action. Adding a short link to your SMS enables shoppers to access Black Friday sales and discounts, boosting engagement and conversion.

Pages for SMS marketing

With Pages, producing compelling, visually engaging CTA-driven pages is straightforward. Some of its valuable features include:

Rich Media

Create pages with engaging videos, carousels and images to promote items and products, and use QR codes to drive traffic and conversion to online shops.

Customer Data Platform

Use customer data and profiles to send personalised offers to loyal customers or to encourage potential new customers to convert.


Collect valuable customer data using forms on mobile landing pages linked in SMS messages to enhance future promotions and discounts.

How to use Pages this Black Friday

Whether offering discounts to loyal customers or promoting new products, Pages has many use cases this Black Friday:

Time-limited discounts and sales

Create a sense of urgency with time-limited discounts, offers and sales in the lead-up to the Black Friday sales.

Gifts and promotions

Reward loyal customers and drive further sales with gifts and personalised promotions this Black Friday.

Announcements and new releases

Inform customers of new announcements and releases ahead of this year's Black Friday to create a buzz and engagement around the event.

Collect customer feedback

Gather valuable feedback post-Black Friday from customers to assess brand sentiment and analyse where improvements can be made.

Enhance SMS with Pages

With Pages, businesses can effortlessly craft visually captivating mobile landing pages that enhance the overall shopping experience via SMS. From eye-catching graphics and videos to exclusive offers, limited-time discounts, and the collection of valuable customer data through forms and surveys, SMS marketing, paired with mobile landing pages, has evolved into a dynamic strategy for Black Friday success. Do you want to use Pages via SMS this Black Friday? Get in touch to speak to an expert today.

Reach out to enhance your Black Friday SMS marketing with Pages

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Camilla Holroyd
Camilla Holroyd,
Marketing Campaign Manager
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As Marketing Campaign Manager for the UK and Ireland, Camilla is responsible for building campaigns for's Engagement and Connectivity platforms. She is passionate about promoting how technology improves CX and believes it exists to enhance our lives and make us more connected.

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