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Nov 06, 2023
4 minutes read

Measure the effectiveness of SMS for Black Friday

During the Black Friday rush, retailers significantly increase SMS traffic to share exclusive deals, limited-time offers, and early access with customers. In 2022, brands sent 68% more SMS messages on Black Friday. By harnessing the power of this popular communication channel, businesses can reach eager shoppers, boost engagement and drive conversions. Some SMS campaigns have delivered an incredible 2000% return on investment (ROI) during Black Friday. Yet, with increased traffic, retailers must effectively manage and measure SMS campaigns to truly capitalise on the Black Friday weekend.

Camilla Holroyd
Camilla Holroyd,
Marketing Campaign Manager

Measuring Black Friday SMS campaigns is crucial for a variety of reasons. Firstly, it allows businesses to assess the effectiveness of their marketing efforts and make data-driven decisions, helping them understand what strategies are working and what needs improvement. Companies can gain valuable insights into their campaign's performance by tracking key metrics such as opens, click-throughs, conversions, and ROI.

Additionally, measuring SMS campaigns helps optimise the allocation of resources and budget, ensuring that marketing budgets are being spent efficiently. This data-driven approach enables businesses to make informed decisions and refine their messaging and targeting strategies for Black Friday and other marketing initiatives, ultimately leading to higher engagement, increased sales, and greater customer satisfaction.

Why use analytics this Black Friday?

Analytics are crucial in optimising SMS Black Friday campaigns for retailers, offering valuable insights into messaging usage and enabling businesses to adapt communication strategies. These analytics tools can comprehensively understand trends, delivery rates, message speed, and usage. This allows for a thorough analysis of campaign effectiveness and how customers perceive the message content. In turn, retailers can streamline and optimise strategies.

For instance, the delivery time and rate are paramount when sharing time-sensitive Black Friday deals and discount codes. Analytics empower companies to understand whether the information reached its intended recipient and whether the content effectively drove engagement and conversion.

messaging analytics platformHow to effectively measure SMS campaigns

1. Define goals

Start by clearly defining objectives for the Black Friday SMS marketing campaign. Goals might include increasing sales, boosting website traffic or growing a subscriber list. Having well-defined goals will help measure effectiveness.

2. Experiment

Test multiple different SMS messages, including variations in content, timing, audience segments and offers, to determine which strategies are more effective in driving conversation. Use this insight to optimise Black Friday campaigns.

3. Track metrics

Continuously monitor and analyse key metrics throughout the campaign to assess the performance of SMS and allow for adaptation when needed:

Delivery rate

Delivery rate provides insights into the successful delivery of messages and the primary reasons for message delivery failures (referred to as 'error mapping').

Delivery speed

Delivery speed represents the average duration for a message to reach the recipient's mobile; this metric holds particular significance for time-sensitive messages such as time-limited discounts.


Track open, click-through, and response rates to gauge overall engagement or even the percentage of subscribers who opted out of SMS marketing after receiving Black Friday messages.

Conversion rate

Conversion rates illustrate the campaigns' success and measure the percentage of SMS recipients who took the desired action, such as purchasing using a promo code or clicking a specific link.


ROI compares the total revenue generated from SMS to the campaign's cost. Other metrics relate to set goals; for example, retailers can track how many new subscribers signed up for SMS marketing due to the Black Friday campaign or how many promo codes were redeemed.

message log platform4. Post-campaign analysis

While continuous measurement enables retailers to optimise campaigns during Black Friday, post-campaign analysis is critical to identifying areas for improvement and making adjustments for future SMS campaigns.

Measure SMS campaigns with

Analysing detailed insights for SMS campaigns enables retailers to track the success of every Black Friday message sent. With’s Messaging Analytics, businesses can access aggregated and detailed insights into SMS communications and real-time trends to adapt mobile strategies directly. Are you interested in measuring the effectiveness of your SMS campaigns for this Black Friday? Get in touch to speak to an expert today.

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Camilla Holroyd
Camilla Holroyd,
Marketing Campaign Manager
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As Marketing Campaign Manager for the UK and Ireland, Camilla is responsible for building campaigns for's Engagement and Connectivity platforms. She is passionate about promoting how technology improves CX and believes it exists to enhance our lives and make us more connected.

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