- Misregistration is a cause for abstention
- What service is offered by this chatbot?
- The figures of the mis-registration
- How to access the chatbot?
The chatbot, launched on the WhatsApp for Business platform in partnership with the Meta group and the media Ouest- France and 20 Minutes, is also available on the sites of A-vote.ong, and the election pages of Ouest France and 20 minutes.
The chatbot encourages the participation of young people in the next presidential and legislative elections by helping them to register on the electoral lists and to find all the information necessary to exercise their vote. In the field, volunteers from the A Voté association also use the chatbot during door-to-door operations in student residences and young workers.
Misregistration is a cause for abstention
“The poor registration on the electoral lists is a cause of the abstention of young people. We can break down barriers to voting by embracing new conversational channels like WhatsApp and this chatbot, tailored to this generation. The CM.com platform allowed us to design this tool very easily, but also to make it evolve quickly, by learning from the first interactions with Internet users and mobile users. Together we put digital technology at the service of democracy,” explain Flore Blondel-Goupil and Dorian Dreuil, co-presidents of A Voté.
“CM.com is proud to have been selected by 'A Voté' to deploy this chatbot , which can really contribute to reducing abstention in the next elections, and to acting positively for democracy. For this project, we are combining our expertise in data and artificial intelligence, to offer a responsive and user-friendly chatbot on WhatsApp." adds Nadia Amel Larfaoui, Area Manager Conversational AI Cloud at CM.com.
What service is offered by this chatbot?
Intended to fight against the “poor registration” of young people on the electoral lists, A Voté is independent and non-partisan, and does not collect any sensitive personal data or political preferences.
On the other hand, users can find in the same secure tool all the information necessary to help them register or modify their registrations correctly on the electoral lists.
Thanks to a series of simple and quick questions, this automated dialogue space verifies in a few clicks that users are correctly registered on the electoral lists.
The tool helps users to register on the electoral lists, modify their registration or check that they have not been deregistered, by referring them to the official sites of the administration on www.service-public.fr.
Users will also be able to find reliable information on the deadlines for registration on the electoral lists as well as the dates of the polls according to their place of residence (metropolitan France, overseas or abroad for French people from the abroad) for each of the two rounds of the presidential and legislative elections.
This new service, which will thus make it possible to fight against the dissemination of false information aimed at hindering electoral participation, will accompany the user until the elections, thanks to the possibility of receiving targeted reminders as key dates approach.
The figures of the mis-registration
Mis-registration, namely attachment to a polling station that does not correspond to one's actual place of residence, for example following a move, and the non-registration on the electoral lists of several million French citizens pose a real democratic challenge.
In 2017, according to a study, 51% of 25-29 year olds were incorrectly registered, multiplying by three the risk of being abstainers.
In total, according to the authors of this study, in 2017, 7.6 million citizens were incorrectly registered, to which were added between 3 and 4 million non-registered. And this while according to a recent survey, 59% of 18-30 year olds registered on the electoral lists plan to abstain in the first round of the presidential election.
How to access the chatbot?
Every citizen can now use this chatbot for free by:
- Sending the word “Hello” to the number +33 6 22 26 69 50
- Clicking on this link
- Scanning this QR Code with the camera of his smartphone